

「a good Nepali language speaking Japanese teacher」というのがカッコイイですよね。
Teachers training concludes
By AStaff Reporter
Kathmandu, Dec. 29
A two-day science teachers training organised for the science teachers of the various schools of Sindhupalchowk district concluded today.
The science teachers of the various 50 schools located in the district had participated in the training provided by the seven Japanese science teachers Hiroyuki Aono, Yuichi Kambara, Megumi Kurosawa, Emiko Samaki, Professor Takeo Samaki, Naoko Hikami, and Itaru Hashimoto.
The two days training organised on December 28 and 29 was initiated and coordinated by Japanese teacher an ex-Japan Overseas Volunteer Yoshio Handa. With his initiation too, two training programmes on mathematics and health issues respectively for the high school teachers were also separately organised in Chautara of Sindhupalchowk district couple of years before.
Besides, being supporting hundreds of disabled people of the Sindhupalchowk village by giving various kinds of vocational training and extending financial assistance to handicapped people by selling their handmade products in Japan since two decades.
According to a good Nepali language speaking Japanese teacher Handa, a local NGO named Diyo Forum (of Sindhupalchowk) has been supporting locally to him in his volunteering work doing for the benefit of Nepali people.
Handa who had visited Nepal every year or twice since two decades is also helping in running a literacy programme in the Siindhupalchowk district since 1991.
“I started this literacy project aiming to upgrade the socio-culture lifestyle of the local village people after I experienced the unbelievable condition of the locals while I stayed in the Sindhupalchowk district for two years from 1991 to 1993 under the Japanese Overseas Volunteer programme,” informed Yoshio Handa.
Since then, he is taking initiative and playing a constructive role for providing needy financial to technical manpower and various other issues aiming to make literate and self dependent of the local villagers including disabled and students too.
“Aiming the poor, disabled people should be independent and should be able to take care of his/her family including providing good education for their children, I am helping them by providing different vocational technical knowhow and selling their handmade products in Japan,” Handa ssaid.
“I am getting cooperation from local Nepalese people in my volunteer works for that I am very much grateful for their invaluable assistance,” he said and added that “This has encouraged me to devote more in my volunteer work for the benefit of Nepali people.”


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